Friday, December 11, 2009

Headache And Nausea More Condition_symptoms I Have A Headache With Nausea, Being Off Balance And Leg Weakness. Any Ideas As To What This May Be?

I have a headache with nausea, being off balance and leg weakness. Any ideas as to what this may be? - headache and nausea more condition_symptoms

I had a constant headache for about two weeks I get until I go to bed. I have trouble sleeping at night and day, I feel sick, my legs feel weeks and I am out of balance. Who knows what could that be?


DAZY M said...

The headache is a pain in the head, scalp or
Neck. Headaches can be of known issues, such as
Eyestrain, lack of coffee or grounds as moreserious
Brain trauma, brain tumors, encephalitis andmeningitis.
Continue to take painkillers can have harmful side effects
Effects, it is better to change your lifestyle. More

Chelsea R said...

Dehydration. Very likely.

lizheart... said...

I recommend that you immediately consult a doctor. These may be signs of something serious. Some of these symptoms sound like a stroke (constant headaches, weakness in the legs) from the balance could be an inner ear problem, but I'm not a doctor, so honestly I can not diagnose you. I would recommend today for an appointment.

Belle said...

A severe migraine. Please make an appointment to visit with your doctor! Headache 2 weeks is not good and needs help. It appears that migraine is to keep your body reacts in an unusual way. Carried out a CT or MRI, to other problems.

J.T. said...

If I were a doctor ... I am not (even though I stayed in a vacation once a term) seems to be an infection of the inner ear, the water in the ear have ...... You vertigo, the balance of your ......... I would be upset to quickly see a doctor, and it will give you antibiotics

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