Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ohio Stop Smoking Can A Police Officer Make A Random Traffic Stop In The State Of Ohio?

Can a police officer make a random traffic stop in the state of Ohio? - ohio stop smoking

This may be a reason to get someone to ... Random?


mikeysco said...

Not in Ohio, or any other state in the Union.

The minimum standard is "reasonable suspicion" and without it an illegal step.

Kevin said...

Peace officers have probable cause to investigate crimes. Yes, it is the traffic violation is a crime. Peace officers sometimes intervene outside the guidelines of the law, but thats where the courts. The courts not only take into account whether a person committed the crime or not. The courts also consider whether the police violated the basic laws. If the courts find that a police officer to preserve constitutional rights of injured key evidence, whether a person is guilty or not, the main evidence of the crime is not valid. After the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine. In substance, the peace officers the right to enforce the law if they have the right.

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